Joining Process
To apply for full membership you must know two members within Yarra Yarra who have been members of the Club for a period of two years or more, who will act as your proposer and seconder to the application.
Individual applications for membership are welcomed from applicants without a member nomination. This process requires four written references to be attached with no less than two being professional.
Membership application forms and more information are available by contacting Club Administration on telephone (03) 9575 0575, email or submit the online request information form.
A completed membership application form, accompanied by an application fee of $500, is to be lodged with the Club’s Administration. This application fee is non-refundable. However, upon acceptance of membership it will be deducted from the entrance fee or annual membership subscription.
The membership application form is to:
- Be proposed by a member (who has been a full member of the Club for more than two years).
- Be seconded by a member (who has been a full member of the Club for more than two years).
- Include three referees (either members of the Club or people that know the applicant well in any capacity).
Following receipt of an application for membership the Membership Committee will invite the proposer and applicant to an interview. The Committee will then review the application and subsequently advise the proposer of acceptance or otherwise of the application.
It is always difficult to estimate the timing of membership. When a vacancy arises in the membership category applied for the applicant will be invited to become a playing member of the Club. The applicant and proposer will also be invited to attend a new member induction session designed to answer all questions and welcome the new member to the Club.